洋淘网 > 汽车| 摩托车 > 零件 > 离合器,变速器,差速器 > 马自达用

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  • 此卖家为店铺,收10%消费税
  • 此商品为海外发货,可能收取高额运费
  • 此商品注意尺寸重量限制,以免无法运输
マツダ 純正 RX-7 FC3S ミッションマウント 2個セット ミッションマウントラバー 未使用 ★デッドストック★ 【メーカー在庫わずか】レア

マツダ 純正 RX-7 FC3S ミッションマウント 2個セット ミッションマウントラバー 未使用 ★デッドストック★ 【メーカー在庫わずか】レア[浏览Yahoo!拍卖页面]

  • 一口价:¥622(合11650日元)
  • 现在价格:(合日元)
  • 剩余时间:
  • 下标数目:

帐户升级,享受免保证金出价! 《会员制说明》



卖家评价:110 2

東京都 到 京都 的运费参考

三边和 运费
60厘米 ¥55
80厘米 ¥66
100厘米 ¥79
120厘米 ¥90
140厘米 ¥103
160厘米 ¥115



  • 拍卖号: t1130168915
    开始时的价格:¥595 (11150日元)
    个数: 1
  • 开始时间: 2024/9/8 22:03:12
    提前结束: 有可能
    商品成色: 全新
  • 自动延长: 不会
    日本邮费: 中标者承担
    可否退货: 不可以
    直购价格: ¥622 (11650日元)







6、邮政国际包裹禁运的危险品,邮政渠道不能发送到日本境外(详情请点击), 如需发送到日本境外请自行联系渠道。

トヨタ 純正 RX-7 FC3S ミッションマウント 2個セット ミッションマウントラバー 未使用 ★デッドストック★ 【メーカー在庫わずか】レア

トヨタ 純正 RX-7 FC3S ミッションマウント 2個セット ミッションマウントラバー


Genuine Toyota RX-7 FC3S transmission mount, set of 2, transmission mount rubber

This is a genuine manufacturer's product.
The manufacturer's stock of the parts has been depleted.
This is a great opportunity to get these parts for regular maintenance of your car.
We will provide new and unused parts, so please consider this item.
Please contact us to confirm the compatibility with your car model.

・ 複数落札の場合でも同梱は致しておりませんので、個別に対応させていただきます。
・ 商品入札、落札後のキャンセルはお受け致しかねます。
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・ ご落札後は商品説明、注意事項をご納得頂いたものとして対応させて頂きます。
・ 土日祝日の終了分は、基本休み明けの発送になります。
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・ ノークレームノーリターンでお願い致します。

Please note that we are not able to deliver large items (items larger than 160cm or 30kg in weight) to individual customers.
Large items (with three dimensions of 160 cm or more or weight of 30 kg or more) cannot be delivered to private residences, so if the address is in the name of an individual, we will put the name of the company at the top of the address.
We do not bundle items even in the case of multiple successful bids.
We do not accept cancellations after bidding on or winning an item.
Please refrain from bidding if you are nervous about the condition of the item or if you are looking for perfection in the item.
We do not accept individual sale of specific parts only.
We do not accept your shipping company or shipping method.
We do not guarantee any damage after shipping.
If we do not receive confirmation of payment by the deadline, the auction will be canceled for the convenience of the successful bidder.
In that case, a bad evaluation will be automatically added from Yahoo!
In that case, a bad evaluation will be automatically given by Yahoo!
If you have any questions, please ask us from the question box before bidding.
If you have any questions, please contact us by using the inquiry form before bidding.
If you need a receipt, please print out the necessary part of the page by yourself.
The shipping cost at the time of listing is calculated by weighing the items on a scale at home. In the unlikely event that there is a discrepancy between the actual shipping cost and the item, we will not collect any additional fees or refunds. We ask for your understanding in this matter.
Please understand that we do not refund any additional charges or refunds in the event that there is a difference in actual shipping costs.
Please understand that we may not be able to provide the item depending on the timing of the sale.
We will do our best to provide you with the best service.
Please contact us by using the "Questions" section before bidding if you have any questions.

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* * * この案内は、大きな写真が何枚でも追加できる いめーじあっぷで作成しました。(無料) * * *


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